Torque Control Services

Torque Control Services

Bolt Mounting and Torque Control Services
It covers the proper torque of bolted production of any diameter according to the EN 1090-2 standard or checking the degree of torque.

Control principle; It is based on the control process from the nut by placing a mark on the nut part of the tightened bolts, the base material and the nut, and adjusting the torque meter to the desired torque values (EN 1090-1 or Customer Specification).

If the angle between the marks is less than 30°, the torque is within the acceptance values. If it is between 30° and 45°, 2 more bolts from the same group should be checked. If an angle greater than 45° is detected, the bolt is changed and 2 more bolts from the same group should be checked.

M12 M16 M20 M22 M24 M27 M30 M36
8.8 (Nm) 90 205 431 571 731 1070 1480
10.9 (Nm) 127 288 607 803 1030 1500 2080 3800
12.9 (Nm) 153 346 728 964 1230 1800 2490